Swoony Saturdays – Josh Tyler

by | Oct 7, 2017 | Swoony Saturdays | 4 comments

Welcome! Welcome! Swoony Saturdays are your opportunity to be introduced to a book hero who fits high quality hero characteristics. (okay, so he just makes us weak in the knees for all kinds of reasons, but you get the point)

The photos involved are chosen as the most representative of the heroes featured, so IF they look like someone you’ve seen before, that’s almost entirely accidental.

Josh Tyler.pngWho? Josh Tyler

Where can we find this dreamboat?  Then There Was You by Kara Isaac (Bellbird Press, June 2017) You can read my review HERE.

Hugh is relaxing before bed.   (Gretchen?  Have we arrived yet?   We've been a little preoccupied....)

Ok…Ok…I know this is not Josh Tyler…But it’s Hugh Jackman. And he is Australian and look at that smile!

Personality summary: Josh Tyler is a man whose past has brought gravity to her personality but depth to his faith. As a musician in a band that performs all over the world, he’s used to being in the limelight but has also learned, due to painful circumstances, to guard his privacy. He wears a smile more readily than a frown…unless the heroine, Paige, is involved, but don’t worry – her proclivity for being unintentionally ridiculous turns Josh’s frown around. With a desire to do what is right, a love for family, music, and Jesus, he oozes a confidence which is seen best in his compassion with others.

What makes us swoon?

Blue Mountains, australia.

Blue Mountains – Australia

AUSTRALIAN!! (Everyone agrees that this is the top swoony feature 😉)

He’s a musician (guitar)

He can sing

He loves his family.

Loves people


Great smile (this is a very swoony one for me. Smiles!! Sigh)

He’s gentle when it’s needed most.

Seriously, this guy is pretty adorable. Funny, confident, flirty…AND he loves Jesus!!!!!!

http://31.media.tumblr.com/b0b9f5ce3324af26cf989159f9d26437/tumblr_mstjqknK6a1rub0hvo1_500.pngStop by the best outdoor bar in #SWFL! The Center Bar in Bonita Springs has great drinks and a great atmosphere! thecenterbar.com/Kissing level of such swooniness: Okay, we don’t get a whole lot of kisses from Josh, but there’s a FANTASTICALLY notable one that happens in a certain ‘tunnel/hallway’. Unforgettable! Up there in the swoony charts. A solid 4.

Basic hero type: Josh can brood with the best of them but underneath is a very caring heart. I think brooding might not be his typical trait, so I’m placing him in the Wentworth (for grudge holding) with a dash of Knightly underneath. What do you think?

How can I meet this swoony mister?Then There Was You

You can find Josh Tyler in all his swoon worthy handsomeness in Kara Isaac’s most recent release, Then There Was You. You can check out my review HERE. And don’t miss out on the Book Journeys post featuring this beautiful country!

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About the Author

Kara Isaac is an award-winning writer who lives in Wellington, New Zealand, where her career highlights include working in tourism as Private Secretary for the Prime Minister. She loves great books almost as much as she loves her husband and two Hobbit-sized children.

More Books by Kara Isaac 


Kissing Levels & Hero Types


  1. 1bgpayne

    I met this brooding, swoony fellow a while back. One thing he did, in New Zealand, had me sobbing my eyes out clutching my kindle to my chest. After the tears stopped, I was able to read on. I love that this man had a Mom and sister that would remind him to be human (give him a swift kick in the rear if necessary).

  2. Rebecca Maney

    Paige and Josh were a dynamic duo in the most literal sense; her clumsy-crazy and his swoony-broody kept me turning pages, for sure! And that ending!

  3. lelandandbecky

    It’s definitely on my list to read!


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