People like C.S. Lewis, Madeline L’Engle, Eric Carle, Dr. Seuss and so many others have a very special mind-set. They still ‘see’ the world from the magical perspective of a child.
And the world is still filled with magic.
I stand amazed on a daily basis at the wonder of simple magic and the grandeur of unusual magic. Do you? The beauty of forgiveness between my children – that’s amazing. The awe of the lights in their eyes as they stare up at the Christmas tree (which is NOT set up yet this year). The marvelous swell of the miraculous in the vast landscape of the world around me.
The sweet warmth of tender memories not lost in the past. The tickle of joy in a baby’s laughter. The hug of a dear friend. The tingle of the perfect kiss.
Magic? If we look for it, we can still find it. I might refer to it as God’s fingerprints in our world, but it doesn’t lose it’s glimmer or mystery.
Having returned last evening from a lovely vacation in Ireland, I can say I was blessed to view a good deal of glorious magic all around me throughout the trip. The generous hospitality of the people, the gorgeous countryside, the refreshing laid-back atmosphere that seems to permeate that country, are but a few of what I experienced. But it is good to be reminded, as this blog post does, that magic can be there, every day, in the smallest and most simple of ways, yet is no less authentic or wonderful. This morning, as I slog through the backlog of email and will later face the pile of post-vacation laundry, I enjoy a hot cup of tea and the warm presence of my kitties (who, in classic cat fashion, manage to make us feel well loved upon returning from our trip while simultaneously chastising us for daring to go away at all). These things are among the magic of this day for me.
My children used to love Little Hungry Caterpillar and The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe and all of Dr. Seuss books.
The last two actually helped them both to love reading. They are now 32 and 30 years old and both are avid readers like their parents.
I love seeing Gods magic everywhere. Nature is such an awesome thing.
Great post. I’m glad my kids and grandkids love to read.