Conference Tips with ACFW Worship Leader Rachel Hauck

by | Sep 22, 2011 | Christian authors, inspirational fiction | 1 comment

The ACFW conference starts today – and what a better way to welcome the fun then with conference tips from the worship leader and fabulous author, Rachel Hauck.Ā  One of the most fabulous parts of ACFW is the time when hundreds of people get together to sing praises to the Author of our Salvation – and Rachel does a fabulous job leading us in song.

What does she think you ought to bring to conference?

Three Writer’s Conference Necessities:

1. An open heart and mind. Go to the conference with hope, but looking to learn and listen! Be slow to speak. Quick to hear.
2. Do your research on the editor and agent you want to meet. Read their blogs if they have one. Email authors who work with them and ask for any advice.
3. Don’t let your hurt feelings or sense of rejection isolate you. If you feel hurt or rejected, go to the prayer room. Go to the worship sets. Reach out. There’s no need to get hurt and stay hurt. Trust me! Every one feels hurt or rejected at the conference at some point. Yea, even me. šŸ˜‰ But I don’t stay in that place. It’s not fruitful!
GREAT tips, Rachel – and #3 is a doozy!
Those who God has called, He will also equip. I’ve had to repeat my writing mantra to myself a lot over the past few weeks:
God’s call, God’s timing, my perverance!
I hope you guys have enjoyed theĀ conference tips for ANY writers conference you may attend in the future.
Blessings to you all – and stay tuned for updated info from ACFW!!

1 Comment

  1. Susan Mason

    Just wanted to thank Rachel for the wonderful music at the conference. I had never heard most of the songs she and her band did, but now I can’t get them out of my head!! Wonderful, wonderful job.


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