Here’s one lady who should know about conference tips!!! Kim Sawyer has been getting things ready for the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference behind the scenes for months – and with her sense of humor and kindness, she’s probably lined up another group of volunteers to make the conference more forward with as few glitches as possible.
Kim is know mostly for her historical fiction, but her YA Katy series (Zondervan) adds showcases the wide spectrum of Kim’s writing talents. Speaking of Katy, Kim’s YA novel Katy’s New World is a finalist in ACFW’s Carol Awards – so Kim is going to have a VERY full weekend.
Congrats Kim!
So….what are the top three things we should bring to conference?
3) Business cards to share with new friends, editors, and agents, and one-sheets of your proposal if you’re pitching. Bring more than you think you’ll need–better to have it and not need then need it and not have it. I also suggest bringing the first chapter and synopsis of your work, just in case someone wants to “take a peek.”

Yay, Kim!!! Can’t wait to hug you this week! One of the sweetest and loveliest people I know! Good luck in the Carol. 😉