by Pepper Basham | Sep 14, 2011 | Christian authors, God's grace, inspirational fiction
If you’ve never been to Romance Writers on the Journey, you need to scootdaddle right over there and check it out. It’s the brain-child of Keli Gwyn, encourager -extraordinairre and debut author. I met Keli last year at ACFW, but she’d made an impact...
by Pepper Basham | Sep 10, 2011 | Christian authors, God's grace, inspirational fiction
Time for another week of conference tips and who is coming to visit?? Monday – The Kissing Queen herself – Julie Lessman Tuesday – Julie’s ACFW partner and fabulous author, Ruth Axtell Morren Wednesday with Carol Finalist, Ruth Logan Herne...
by Pepper Basham | Jul 24, 2011 | Christian authors
If you don’t know this already, I am a member of a fantastic group writing blog known as The Writers Alley. It’s such a fun place to be – with nine awesome aspiring authors to help bounce ideas, share prayer requests, enjoy funny moments, and gab...
by Pepper Basham | Feb 3, 2011 | Fiction Book Reviews
Okay, so I’ve been a bad blogger. And I have a loooong list of great excuses, but I’m sure you’d much rather hear my other news 😉 Starting next week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I’ll start a series entitled: Love At First Thought Stories...
by Pepper Basham | Jan 21, 2011 | England, God's grace, inspirational fiction
Okay, so I’ve complained about my lack of time to write. Now I’m going to jump to the very opposite thought. Getting published! It’s a dream every aspiring author has, and those who are already published KEEP dreaming about staying published. But...