Doggone Contentment

by | Jul 19, 2009 | Mom Devotionals | 0 comments

We have a puppy …and he’s a cross between something and a black lab. Cute, a bit noisy, and can chew a hole through a sidewalk if he felt so inclined. He also has a particular affinity for 2 year olds, which gets pretty crazy when my youngest decides to play outside. Unpleasantries quickly occur.

While I watch this puppy grow up, I’m learning some interesting things. Our pup is just as content playing with his tail or a rubber ball as he is playing with some expensive toy I bought in the pet section of the department store. Earlier today, I heard him barking at peeked out the window to see him playing with a rubber ball. He’d snap at it, it would roll, and he’d dance around it barking as if it was alive. It looked like loads of fun.

I went about my usual business, laundry, dishes, etc – then came back about thirty minutes later. What was my puppy doing? Still playing with that ball – and still loving it.

Now I’m not suggesting we all try to chew on balls, tails, or 2 year olds, but I do think there is a lesson to learn here. Sometimes being content means being happy with what we have…even the simplest things.

In a world of tempting advertisements for more and ‘sale’ prices that might make Scrooge envious, we’ve lost the beauty in simply being content. My kids are always talking about their next birthday…or the next Christmas, because they get something new. Nothing wrong with gifts, but there’s something beautiful in a thankful heart…a content heart.

There’s a sweet song in the Bing Crosby movie White Christmas entitled “Count Your Blessings” which is an optimistic look at life – reminding us not to worry, but to notice what we HAVE instead of what we DON’T have. Though a movie is by no means Scripture, the Bible does speak to the topic of contentment…actually, St. Paul tells us that he’s learned the secret of contentment.

In Philippians 4:12-13, Paul writes, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Contentment lies in knowing who holds you, who keeps you, and who will take care of the trouble. Isn’t it a blessing to know, we can rest in the care of a Father who will never leave us, who promises to love us forever (no matter what), and who assures us that He will supply our every need.

May we find our contentment in Him.


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