The Passion of Mary-Margaret

by | Mar 11, 2009 | Fiction Book Reviews | 0 comments

From the back of the book:

Mary-Margaret accepts a calling that surpasses her wildest dreams . . . and challenges her deep faith.

When Mary-Margaret Danaher met Jude Keller, the lightkeeper’s son, she was studying at convent school on a small island in the Chesapeake Bay. Destined for a life as a religious sister, she nevertheless felt a pull toward Jude-rough and tumble, promiscuous Jude.

After sojourning as a medical missions sister in Swaziland, Mary-Margaret returns to the island to prepare for her final vows. Jude, too, returns to the island, dissolute and hardened. Mary-Margaret can hardly believe it when the Spirit tells her she must marry the troubled boy who befriended her all those years ago, forsaking the only life she ever wanted for a man she knows she’ll never love.

If you would like to read the first chapter of The Passion of Mary Margaret , go HERE

My two cents worth:

Shocking, creative, and beautiful – The Passion of Mary-Margaret gets to the ugliness of sin and the loveliness of grace in a new and evocative way. Lisa Samson leads the reader out of his/her comfort zone and into a world where life is dark, decisions are difficult, and love requires sacrifice.

Mary-Margaret’s life unfolds from her early days of innocense and faith to her golden years of wisdom and contentment. Not only did I follow the development and growth of her faith, but experienced the ‘image’ of our Heavenly Father guiding her throughout life’s unexpected journey. Her love for Jesus and dedication to His plan spills over into her life with Jude, the prodigal. The lovely way in which her life expresses her faith is an evident factor is Jude’s conversion and a testimony to the power of prayer and transforming beauty of God’s love in His child.

Though sometimes I found the past/present portions a bit confusing, I read it twice and received a greater blessing the second time. The questions resonanting in my head are: Does my life resemble a daily walk of faith so that others notice? Do I love unconditionally as Christ loves me? What dream am I willing to sacrifice for the glory of God?


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