I’m a big royals fan!
When photos of Queen Elizabeth or any of her grandkids (or great-grandkids) pop up on my screen, I usually take a few seconds to read about the events and look at the pics, as if I have some kind of connection with them.
Due to their placement in their culture and life, they hold a special significance. Queens, princes, princess, duchesses, and dukes. The titles alone place them in a realm above the regular average Jane on the street. I love watching how the Dukes and Duchesses walk near the regular folks on the streets and talk with the children…and how the faces of the commoners beam with smiles from the select attention of a royal.
What an even more precious awareness we have as children of the eternal God!

Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash
The one who created the universe, spoke the sea into existence, and folded the land into its shape, should inspire our awe and wonder, yet to an even greater degree than our earthly royals, Christ didn’t just walk near the commoners, he walked among us. He put on human flesh and lived as one who hadn’t known the splendor of Heaven and the power of all creation. He comforted the wounded, wept for the broken, and loved the unlovely…and then, in an act of divine beauty and pain, the Prince of Heaven took on our sin to give us his future.
His life, death, resurrection, and ascension secured the hope that commoners have ready access to the throne room of heaven…and not only THAT, we are seen as having royal blood now.
Because of the sacrifice Christ made for us, his royal status has transferred to his kids so that we have access to Heaven! And, as prince and princesses ourselves, we have been given the opportunity to weep with the broken, comfort the wounded, and love the unlovely, allowing others to ‘see’ the love of a King through us.
So true and amazing. I love Jesus so much!! Thanks for your wondrous words which I very much enjoy here and in your books. I’ve told your Mom how much I enjoy your writings and was brought to them by your brother, Dustin, who recommended them to me when I worked with him at the Asheville Citizen. I miss him tons and would like to thank you for such inspirational books. God is working through you and I love it!!!! I like to write too and told Dustin this, which brought you to my attention. God bless and keep you. Thanks again for your wonderful words.
Peppy, I seriously love this. It reminds me of that old hymn, “I’m a Child Of the King.” Something we need to remind ourselves of, when the world gets to us. And it will.
I have a deep respect for the current crop of royals. The Cambridges understand their responsibility and are good role models for the rest of the country, along with Harry and his Duchess. They have modernized the monarchy while still respecting the traditions. Plus they have great hats.
I used to have the stereotypical American attitude of “why do they need kings and queens anyway” and saw them as a strain on the public dime, right up until I saw Colin Firth in “The King’s Speech.” Firth as the King was able to rally his people on their little, wet, outmanned, outgunned island, and They Did It. They held off freaking Hitler. This is what royalty should be able to do, and in fact anyone in a position of leadership. So this changed my attitude toward the monarchy. Still don’t want it here, but if it works for England, fine.
Looking forward to your class in San Antonio,
Kathy Bailey
We sang that all the time in my youth!
Awesome, Pepper! I love this!
Amen. This Beautifully said Pepper! This is Very inspirational, Thank you! Our God is an Awesome God! God Bless you and your family Pepper.
Love this post, Pepper!!!
Beautiful post, Pepper!