God and “Ships” in Lego Batman

by | Aug 23, 2018 | God's grace | 4 comments

people-3281583_1920If you haven’t seen The Lego Batman Movie, it’s certainly a movie worth your time. It’s so funny and gives all sorts of nostalgic/clever hints back to Batman movies from days-gone-by.

All of your Batman favorites come out to play – Joker, Harley Quinn, Alfred, Robin, Barbara Gordon and even Tom Cruise…. oh wait, he’s not a usual feature in Batman…but yep, he shows up.

Along with the typical silliness and humor that Lego movies have brought in the past, this one also adds an important storyline. The main story problem – well, Batman tells Joker within the first few minutes.

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Batman works alone. He doesn’t ‘need’ anyone His focus and identity is in the fact that he can make it on his own, doesn’t have to share the glory of his successes, but more than any of those things, he doesn’t have to become vulnerable.

Throughout the movie, we get to watch circumstances force Batman into being…gasp…introspective. He begins to see (and fight against) the value of building relationships with a variety of people, including his comical nemesis, the Joker.

james-baldwin-276255-unsplash.jpgLiving in community with others makes his life complete.

Relationships are important in making Batman a better…Batman.

The Bible is a beautiful story of relationship.

First its God’s relationship within the trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit, but from the Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells of story of God’s relationship with his people. Scene upon scene shows his pursuing, faithful design to mend a broken relationship between him and his people.

He totally does ‘ships’ – so much so, that he pursues people who are as indifferent to him as Batman is to little Robin in the movie.

Batman 4

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We’re probably even worse!

Yet, because of God’s love, the relationship that once was irrevocably severed has been restored through the faithfulness and obedience of Jesus Christ.

The only way for true relationship is in Christ.

He completes us.

Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen   Hebrews 13:20-21

pepper (1)


  1. Beth Erin

    I love this post so much!

  2. Lori Smanski

    this is a wonderful post. thanks for the reminder

  3. Donna Patterson

    Thanks for the wonderful benediction!

  4. deannadodson

    Wonderful post. And, awww, li’l Lego Robin is so cute! 😀


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