Today not only marks the 102 memorial of the sinking of the Lusitania (read this week’s Book Journeys post to find out more about that), but today is the 2nd “book birthday” of my debut novel, The Thorn Bearer!

Image from Reading is my SuperPower
On May 7, 102 years ago, The Lusitania was torpedoed off the coast of Ireland and sank in less than 18 minutes. History gives us glimpses of what those moments were like for the people aboard, but in celebration of The Thorn Bearer’s book birthday, I’m giving away one copy of the book so you can see how my characters survived (if they did) and changed after such a tragic event.
About the Book
SERIES: Penned in Time #1
GENRE: Historical Fiction, WWI
PUBLICATION DATE: April 11, 2015
PAGES: 362 pages
Ashley Dougall has a terminal disease and forgiveness is the only cure.
Ashley Dougall’s father stole her innocence, her selfish fiancé stole her heart, and unforgiveness is slowly stealing her life. Drawn by the desire to help others, she tries to escape haunting memories and enlists her services as a nurse in war-torn Europe. Along with her childhood friend and fiance’s brother, Samuel Miller, the fragile threads holding Ashley’s life in place one-by-one begin to snap. From the deck of the ill-fated Lusitania to the smoke-filled trenches of WWI, Ashley must choose between forgiveness of the past, life in the present, and a Savior who is willing to help her face them both.
Sneak Peek
In celebration, I am giving away ONE copy of The Thorn Bearer. Entry Deadline:May 14, 2017 11:59 PM PDT. Void where prohibited by law.
Enter the giveaway via Amazon HERE.
Or copy and paste this link in your browser:
HaPpY BiRtHdAy, and CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS, PEPPER on the Second Book Birthday of your book, THE THORN BEARER!!!
The Thorn Bearer sounds amazing!! I was totally swept away whiie reading the sneak peak of this book. I have heard rave reviews about it and am so looking forward to reading it!!! Thank you for the opportunity of this giveaway! I sure hope I win! 🙂
Thanks so much!!! Lots of people have enjoyed this story. I certainly love writing it. It was hard to write some of the very intense scenes at times, but I suppose that’s what makes them so powerful 🙂
So, is it possible to enter the giveaway if you don’t have Twitter? That is pretty much the ONLY social media I’m not on and have no intention of joining. 🙁