ACFW- Pre-Conference Mixer

by | Jul 13, 2016 | Fiction Book Reviews | 5 comments

pepperquiltlaughingHey hey all!! What a great summer! And more is still to come!

My friend and alleycat, Laurie Tomlinson, started up this great idea of having a little pre-conference mixer for the American Christian Fiction Writers conference that takes place each year in the ‘fall’. This year it’s actually more of a ‘summer’ time, but it’s a wonderful meeting of the creative minds of Christian fiction.

Laurie’s designed this little link up of questions to answer to people going to conference can learn a little more about each other and people who ‘drop-in’ to the conversation can also get a little snapshot of various authors 🙂

So….below you’ll find my answers to the mixer. Hope you enjoy!

Name: Pepper Basham

Location: Asheville, NC

What you write/tagline/trademark: I write contemporary and historical romance / “Blue Ridge romance peppered with grace and humor”

Place in the book world:  I’m a multipublished author in both historical and contemporary romance. My debut novel, The Thorn Bearer, is a Carol finalist for the debut category!! My fourth novel comes out in November and I have a very busy publishing year coming up in 2017! I’m agented by the wonderful Julie Gwinn of the Seymour Literary Agency.

On a scale of hugger to 10-foot-pole, please rate your personal space: Have arms. Will hug.

Something VERY serious: How do you take your Starbucks? Not a coffee drinker but I love tea!! Hot tea, iced tea (as long as it’s southern sweet 😉

The unique talking points that will get you going for hours: Fun topics? Super heroes, Jane Eyre, Lord of the Rings, writing, England. More serious topics? Theology, culture

Loved ones at home you’ll be missing: Hubs of 21 years, Dwight, and my 5 kiddos – Ben (18), Aaron (16), Lydia (14 – who wishes she could come too), Samuel (11), and Phoebe (9 3/4 – right now she’s very specific on mentioning she’s 9 3/4 years old. Very important number to her) We also have a furry cutie named Samson.

Conference goals we can pray for? A few things. For my heart I’d really like a sense of direction and renewal in my writing, spiritually. I love LOVE getting to wrte both contemp and historical, but I want to know if there’s a particular focus I need to make as I move forward. So far, I’m continuing to receive affirmation in both.

For my career, I’d love to make some solid connections with a CBA house (if that’s what God wants for me).

Anything we can celebrate with you? I’m a Carol Award finalist in the debut category!! WOW!! Totally stoked about that! My debut has also been a finalist in two other wonderful contests – The Grace Awards and the Inspy Awards. These contests have done amazing things to boost my writing confidence!

One or two ways we can help you build your platform? Visit my website and like my FB page, would be super!  Also, if you get a chance to read one of my books, please, oh please, leave a review!! That’s an amazing ‘word-of-mouth’ share!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Laurie Tomlinson

    1) I have a Sam(p)son, too! My yellow Lab giant!

    2) Praying for direction. I got mine in Mary Weber’s YA class 🙂

    3) I can’t wait to hug you! So proud of you and your Carol final!

  2. Beth Erin

    What a fun idea! Can’t wait to meet you in person, Pepper!

  3. Winnie Thomas

    Oh, this is a great idea! I wish I were going. There are so many awesome people I’d like to meet–authors, bloggers, Facebook friends! I love your books–but you already know that! 🙂

  4. JillKemerer

    Congratulations on your Carol final!! Woohoo!! Will be praying for you! Can’t wait to see you!

    • pepperbasham

      THanks so much, Jill!


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