Friday was a very special day. You know why? I started off my morning by taking a driver’s training. Yep – I was chosen from the other faculty members at the university where I work to take the training to drive 15 passenger vans. Exciting stuff, let me tell ya.
I think I heard the phrase “Large passenger vans have a longer stopping time.” “Create a cushion of safety around the van.”
Enthralling, really.
Another repetitive mantra? Don’t BACK UP unless you HAVE to. Hmm….life motto? 😉
This past year, particularly this past semester has been a tough time for me and my writing. Between my first grandmother’s death in October (which shook my world), then an insane work schedule in the spring, plus two boys who needed lots of extra school support, a pastor hubby’s crazy regular schedule, a pretty intense family sickness, and finally my other grandmother’s death two weeks ago – writing time has taken a seat in the trunk….until this week.
What was so special about this week?
Monday – I turned in grades for the semester. PRAISE GOD I SURVIVED!!!!!!!!
Tuesday – I went to Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference as a day-guest….with NO agenda at all. I went for the ‘soul’ purpose of fellowship and encouragement with other Christian writers. DiAnn Mills Writing Romance course was fantastic. Lisa Carter was SUCH an encouragement. I had the fabulous opportunity to meet Gina Holmes, author of Crossing Oceans. It was a beautiful day!
(you can see pics on my facebook page )
Wednesday – I drove back to BRMCWC. Chatted with Deb Raney. Revelled in Ramona Richards “Writing a Lady to Love” workshop (FABULOUS!!!)
Just felt an overall encouragement to start fresh – but don’t BACK UP!!! Start where I was and move forward.
Thursday – Had a great lunch with friends and was promoted to Assistant Director of Clinical Services at East Tennessee State University.
Pretty cool, eh? Sounds fancy, which means a lot more work 😉
Thursday night I prayed for all of my wonderful pals who awaited news about the Genesis. Especially my Writers Alley Buddies, Angie Dicken, Krista Phillips, and Sherrinda Ketchersid. Other pals were Susan Mason, Jeannie Campbell, Jessica Nelson, Anita Mae Draper, Diana Sharples, ….so many wonderful ladies.
Friday – Drivers Training course, then I had to drive to my children’s school during my lunch break to remove a tic from my daughter’s head (happy times – that’s a story for another day). I got back to work. Around 1 (EST)I got a call from Erica Vetsche. My heart started doing the mamba in my chest. I was either excited or the 24oz of Mountain Dew I’d just consumed was starting to cause arythmias. My YA had finaled in the GENESIS!!! NO STINKIN’ WAY!!!
I’m sure Erica thinks I need medication, btw.
I called my mom right away and while I was on the phone with her, another call was trying to come through. Since I work with college students from all over the world, I’m used to seeing phone numbers from different places – so I told mom I’d call her back.
When Becky Yauger said my name on the phone, I answered with a VERY shaky ‘yes’. She informed me that my CR had finaled too.
Whether it was professional or not, I did a little happy dance (including junior-high scream) right there in the middle of my very
professional office…(if you don’t count the toys on the bookshelf, the Dr. Pepper lunchbox in the corner, the happy face coffee mug full of chocolate, and
the stuffed chicken in the corner) It was AWESOME!!
I called back my mom, Casey Herringshaw (who told me so), Ruth Logan Herne, Sherrinda Ketchersid, and left a disturbing message on Mary Connealy’s voicemail (something about how her demotivational technques really worked – I was sHOCKED).
I wish SOOOOO much I could celebrate with my buddies too. Of course, I can. I know my Alley Cats are celebrating with me. I love them for
that. They’ve given me so much love and encouragement this year. You guys are AWESOME!!! (GO ANNABELLE)
Congrats to Jessica Nelson – who is a partner in crime with me in the CR category. I wish you the best of luck with my whole heart, Jessica!
Now, I’d better start writing, eh? DO NOT BACK UP unless I have to – and move forward…to whatever God has planned.
I’m pretty sure my dear sweet beautiful Grannies are up in Heaven smiling. I know I am.
Thanks all of you who’ve prayed, encouraged, and loved me.
It’s wonderful to share this news with all of you!!!
I’m soooo proud of you! So incredibly proud! Though I must confess, I am not surprised. You are a great writer and have a wonderful way of telling stories. Amazing! Congratulations, friend!
I want you to know I see you as a big part of this! You were my first encourager, my brainstorming partner with both writing and The Alley – I’m so thankful God brought us together!!
Hey Pepper, I’m the other member of the trio so I just wanted to stop by and wish you good luck and say Congratulations! I’m so incredibly honored to be a finalist with you and Jessica. I feel like the new kid in the corner (except older), and totally undeserving, but so honored.
I’ll keep your grandmothers in my prayers.
Mary – SO glad to be sharing the spotlight with you!
Praise God for new friends!!
PEPPER!!!! Soooooo not surprised, my friend, but SOOOOOO excited for you. This makes ACFW all the better, doesn’t it now??? Now I get to stalk YOU!!
Thank you! Thanks for all your kindness and encouragement. The Seekers have made such a big difference in my life.
Oh goodness, I’m so proud! Busting my buttons proud! And not a BIT surprised by your phone call. 😀 I’ve been telling everyone I know (okay my parents) what an honor this is and how skinkin’ thrilled I am!!!!!! Oh man, I’m practicing my scream of celebration for the banquet. 😉
I hope you, Sherrinda, Mary, Sarah, Angie, and any other Alley Cat along – are sitting at the table with me. That would be so awesome to do this together!
Pepper, the only way I could be happier is if I finaled, too! And I’m so excited that I’ll be there IN PERSON in St. Louis to cheer you on!
Major congrats! You deserve it.
P.S. Thanks for the prayers!! I need them all! LOL.
I would LOVE if you’d finaled with me!!! But you’ll be in St. Louie? Seriously? Oh how stinkin’ great! super-excited to hug you in person
What an awesome post! I love the breakdown of your week. Ironically, I just removed a tick from my son this afternoon. Stinkin’ things. Yuck.
Anyway, I’m so honored to be a finalist with you and Mary too! It’s so exciting. 🙂 Best wishes to you!! (and I judged YA so now I have to wonder if I judged yours! lol)
Just like I said to MaryC, Jess,
I’m so glad to share the spotlight with you. What an honor!!!
and I really don’t like tics. Blah!
😀 I had a hard time not spilling the beans that you’d be getting another call soon. 😀
LOL! Becky said you guys debated what to do! HA! Erica, you were super!
Pepper that is soooo awesome! I saw your name and a few others that I recognized so I was thrilled!!!! What a way to end the week huh?
XOXO~ Renee C.