There are definitely pros to being a mom. Some things in the long list of Mommy perks are middle of the night cuddles, baby rosebud lip kisses, the exuberance of a first step or first pulled tooth, the delight in discovering a sense of humor, or secretly sharing a chocolate bar….hmmm, chocolate is always a good idea 😉
There are also those not so fabulous Mommy chores. Middle of the night cuddles aren’t as fun when they’ve happened every two hours throughout the night. Rosebud-lip kisses are always wonderful, but less thrilling when they are covered in some sticky substance that won’t come off your work clothes, the sense of humor can get out of hand, and well, too many of those chocolate bars…… enough said.
One of my least favorite Mommy chores is cleaning the toilet. I have three boys, two who are potty trained and one who is ‘in training’. My oldest, and most focused, doesn’t have trouble aiming and hitting his potty target. My second son can aim….can hit the mark….and can also get distracted by refracted light off of the bathroom mirror resulting in his body turning the same direction as his attention during mid-stream and …..well….you probably get the point. My youngest, who has to stand on a stool to even get the right height, if he hits anywhere close, we’re happy.
So this brings me to my job: Cleaning the toilet. I don’t mean just getting out the brush and doing a bit of scrubbing, I mean underneath, all around……in all those hard-to-reach places. It’s the job nobody volunteers for and everyone wants to avoid.
Imagine not cleaning your toilet for a month…..what about 6 months……I don’t know if I even want to envision a year!! YUCK!!
Now as filthy as year-old grime and crud can be, multiply that thought by 10 and imagine the stinch, crusted mold, and …..oooo, I shiver at the thought.
Our sin was like that! It was so bad, God could smell the stink all the “way to High Heaven”….literally. We were so corroded, molded, wreaking, and putrid, nothing on earth could be done and no one on earth could solve the delimma. That’s why it took the Divine cleaning service.
One hundred times better than Clorox wipes, Jesus came down to this world, died for our sins, rose from the grave, and left us with the gift of salvation…..a good old cleanin’ from the inside out.
Isaiah 64:6 states,
So if our ‘righteous’ acts are like ‘filthy rags’ just imagine what our unrighteous acts are like…..remember that 1 year old toilet. We’re in serious trouble!
But God hasn’t given up on us. He loves us and sent his One and Only Son to redeem us. Look at our lovely assurance in Hebrews 10: