News to Share

Well, so much has been going on lately that I figure it’s time for a recap…and just maybe I’ll get back on track to posting at least once a week on this blog 🙂 Ever hopeful! God has an amazing way of surprising us with more than we expect. I’ve...

12 Songs for Christmas Blog Series

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – so I thought I ring in the season with a blog series to help you rock around the Christmas tree. Starting next week, some of your favorite authors will Deck the Blogosphere with some of their favorite Christmas...

New Blog Series on the way….

Okay, so I’ve been a bad blogger. And I have a loooong list of great excuses, but I’m sure you’d much rather hear my other news 😉 Starting next week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I’ll start a series entitled: Love At First Thought Stories...

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