by Pepper Basham | Dec 15, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews
This is easily one of my favorite Christmas carols. I know, I know – I seem to say that a lot, but there are so many to like! One reason this one appeals to me so much, is because it feels like you ought to dance when you sing it. (okay, for me anyway). I want...
by Pepper Basham | Dec 6, 2009 | Fiction Book Reviews, Writing Tips
Characters emerge from the most unlikely of places. Some evolve from a dream, others from the combination of several different personalities, a few from a stranger who sparked our interest, or a unique family member. The spark that flames into a memorable hero or...
by Pepper Basham | Dec 5, 2009 | Fiction Book Reviews
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” – – Ghandi I’m a bit behind in my well-made plans of drawing characterization out of The Christmas Story, but let me forge ahead to our next...
by Pepper Basham | Dec 2, 2009 | Fiction Book Reviews
Just as the pulse of a good story is founded in conflict, so is the core of a character. Conflict energizes our scenes and draws readers into the emotional suspense of our heroine and hero’s lives. Boy and girl can meet, but unless something happens to shake the...
by Pepper Basham | Nov 29, 2009 | Writing Tips
Throughout the month of November, I’ve featured authors who answered two questions: Who are your favorite characters you’ve ever written? What is the behind-the-scenes story of those characters? Over the next few days and in preparation for some new...