by Pepper Basham | Aug 23, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews
If you read my last post, while I was wandering through the Valley of the Shadow of Quit, you’ll understand why I’m chuckling right now. I’ve been praying for the past week about whether I should push this writing-gig to the back burner or not. Was...
by Pepper Basham | May 27, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews
I don’t know if any of you have seen the animated movie Meet the Robinsons, but if you haven’t – I recommend it. If only for one scene. As aspiring authors – and even some of you who are published authors- we are well acquainted with feelings of failure…or the polite...
by Pepper Basham | Nov 22, 2009 | Fiction Book Reviews
Prayer & Praise As Christians and authors, God has placed a special calling on our lives. But more than writing stories that glorify him, He’s changed our hearts so we have an eternal hope. We were not left in our sins to suffer the consequences of the Fall for...