by Pepper Basham | Aug 31, 2017 | Songspiration
Songspiration Now, you may be wondering what that word means. Well, Songspiration means songs that have inspired characters, story lines, and other aspects related to writing a book. Today I am sharing the Songspiration for the hero in my upcoming release, Charming...
by Pepper Basham | May 25, 2017 | Book Journeys
It’s sad to say that most of the best love stories are not widely known. We hear a great deal about people to split up, but real-life romances are not as celebrated. They happen. In all time periods, classes, places, and people-groups, true love has a way of making...
by Pepper Basham | Sep 25, 2015 | Fiction Book Reviews
Last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Conference. I’ve been going to ACFW for five years now and over that time I’ve developed great connections with remarkable people, met some of my dearest...
by Pepper Basham | Oct 16, 2011 | Fiction Book Reviews
Hey guys, I’m blogging at The Writers Alley on Monday about the Green Eyed Monster 😉 But Sunday, don’t forget to stop by and check out Jennifer Slattery’s post-conference tips. And my review for Deeanne Gist’s newest novel, Love on the Line, is...
by Pepper Basham | Apr 27, 2011 | Fiction Book Reviews
So… the contest entries are back in hand, or you’ve received your crit partners response to your newest chapter. What you have before you is your precious manuscript covered in red remarks. What happens now? Well, besides the usual initial response of...