by Pepper Basham | Aug 24, 2017 | Book Journeys
I just finished fellow Alleycat and dear friend, Krista Phillips’s upcoming novel The Engagement Plot and people… It was SO MUCH FUN!!! I’ll let you read the blurb HERE – but today on Book Journeys we’re going to travel to various places that the...
by Pepper Basham | Feb 27, 2015 | Fiction Book Reviews
Life is filled with lots of people. Some you are born with. Some who visit for a while and then are gone. Some who come to challenge and refine you. And some one who to stay, as constant influences and encouragement. Through the development of a writing blog about 5...
by Pepper Basham | Jan 30, 2015 | Fiction Book Reviews
My good friend and fellow author, Ashley Clark, had a fantastic post on The Writers Alley yesterday. It caused me to ponder this whole transition from one side of ‘published’ to the other. A few weeks ago, Ashley was kind enough to remind me of something....
by Pepper Basham | Dec 30, 2014 | Pepper Basham
Well, it’s been quite a year – probably one of the most difficult ones of my life, and that’s saying something. For the past three years I’ve chosen a ‘one word’ to focus on throughout the new year. In 2014 my word was Change...
by Pepper Basham | May 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
Karen Schravemade – the newest writer for The Writers Alley. Check it out at