by Pepper Basham | Jul 7, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews
Okay – so I love to brag. Lots. Especially about my favorite people – and it just so happens that one of those favorite people is my guest today. We’re kindred spirits. In lots of ways. Both pastor’s wives, both moms of multiple kids, both somewhat smiley, and –low...
by Pepper Basham | Jul 6, 2010 | Christian authors, England, inspirational fiction
Okay – so it’s my favorite story I’ve written so far. And I HAVE to post the first encounter. I love it. But before I do, I just want to brag a moment about my friend, Sherrinda. Tomorrow, she’s my guest and her first encounter scene is very...
by Pepper Basham | Jul 5, 2010 | Christian authors
Well, I’m still trying to get some other newbies to post their first encounters, but I think they’re a bit shy (SHERRINDA) and Casey’s not back from vacating yet. So no worries, I’ll keep bugging people to see who my next...
by Pepper Basham | Jul 1, 2010 | Christian authors
It is such a pleasure to have author Kaye Dacus visiting today. Kaye’s books range from sassy contemporaries to Austenian historicals. She’s known as an encourager to new writers (of which I can attest personally J and provides a wealth of knowledge and information on...
by Pepper Basham | Jun 30, 2010 | Christian authors
Well, if you want some first encounters with sizzle, today’s guest will provide you with some. Not only that, but one lucky commenter will win her newest book, a novella entitled The Snowflake. Jamie Carie is an award winning author who writes romantic tension...