by Pepper Basham | Apr 2, 2012 | Fiction Book Reviews
I met Erica Vetsch almost 2 years ago at ACFW in Indianapolis. It was a pretty memorable event. We met just outside the bar, waiting to shmooze with the Seekers – and I think I was already in my frumpy pajamas. (To the left is a pic of me, Mary Connealy, and...
by Pepper Basham | Aug 25, 2011 | God's grace, inspirational fiction
If you’ve followed me at all, you know I’m a BIG fan of the Seekers! And…. Today (FRIDAY) I AM THEIR special guest blogger. Please stop by and give me a ‘shout’. I hear there giving away some fabulous prizes...
by Pepper Basham | Jul 27, 2010 | Christian authors
Well, I just had to share my news, cause I’m tickled down to my toenails. Last night, my roommate and I ordered our plane tickets – the LAST thing we needed to secure our plans for the ACFW conference in Indianapolis. Yes, that’s right. My VERY first...
by Pepper Basham | Jan 1, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews
2010 – wow, it looks so weird in print? A brand new year and many things to ponder. So, what are some of my plans this year? 1. Develop a deeper relationship with Christ through a more consistent prayer life. How do we get to know people? Talking with them....
by Pepper Basham | Oct 10, 2009 | Fiction Book Reviews
Well, I finally did it. At 12:14 last night, I sent my completed manuscript to my agent who will then send it to two editors. That’s it! right? Hmm, in a lot of ways my delirious path to finishing THAT book has ended, for now – but will my pace slow? A...