by Pepper Basham | Apr 28, 2015 | Christian authors, inspirational fiction
I’ve been told by several authors that you aren’t a REAL writer until you have rejections under your writing belt. I don’t know if the same rule applies for agent rejections, but I’ve definitely had those too. About nine specific rejection letters...
by Pepper Basham | Dec 30, 2014 | Pepper Basham
Well, it’s been quite a year – probably one of the most difficult ones of my life, and that’s saying something. For the past three years I’ve chosen a ‘one word’ to focus on throughout the new year. In 2014 my word was Change...
by Pepper Basham | Dec 6, 2014 | Fiction Book Reviews
Well, so much has been going on lately that I figure it’s time for a recap…and just maybe I’ll get back on track to posting at least once a week on this blog 🙂 Ever hopeful! God has an amazing way of surprising us with more than we expect. I’ve...
by Pepper Basham | Oct 3, 2014 | Fiction Book Reviews
Here is a little teaser quote from my upcoming release with Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas: A Twist of Faith