The Big Picture of God’s Story & Giveaway

The Big Picture of God’s Story & Giveaway

In the beginning was… The story It’s true. If you start with Christian (or Jewish or Muslim) history, “Genesis” even means ‘an origin, creation, or beginning’. The Genesis of God’s story was creation. But we can really sum up the entire Bible into one sentence. What...

uk2k16 -Edinburgh 1

To continue with my love for England, I’m going to take you on our quick trip to Edinburgh.Oh my, this might have been our favorite part of our recent trip. I plan to take some time in the future to talk about other England adventures, but Edinburgh was amazing...

Uk2K16 – Cambridge

So I’m back to give more account of our UK2k16 trip and day #3 was a beautiful tour of Cambridge. We stayed in a hotel that was near London Bridge, so we took the Tube at Monument each morning on the days we ventured out from London. It was a crowded ride during...

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