by Pepper Basham | May 13, 2011 | God's grace, inspirational fiction
Friday was a very special day. You know why? I started off my morning by taking a driver’s training. Yep – I was chosen from the other faculty members at the university where I work to take the training to drive 15 passenger vans. Exciting stuff, let me tell ya. I...
by Pepper Basham | Feb 15, 2011 | Fiction Book Reviews
Another great day for Love at First Thought, and today I have award-winning author, Deb Raney. Deb is a fabulous resource of information and encouragement. I met her three years ago at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in North Carolina – and have...
by Pepper Basham | Jun 24, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews
Okay, I’ve bragged about her before, but I love getting the opportunity to do it again. I met Deb Raney 3 years ago at my first visit to the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference. From that point on, I’ve made a point of going to at least one of her lectures each...
by Pepper Basham | Jun 23, 2010 | Christian authors
It’s great to have another Seeker join us today, as well as another Love Inspired author. Cheryl Wyatt’s books have a great deal of romantic tension and internal conflict, but unlike Janet’s books, Cheryl writes contemporary. Her seventh book in the Wings of Refuge...