The Unimaginable – grace in Hamilton

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Fiction Book Reviews | 0 comments


imagesMy 15-year-old music loving girl has become quite passionate about this not-so-new phenomenon of Hamilton, the musical. To say this will help her in American History class is an understatement because…she not only as the whole thing memorized, she’s started researching information around the history of the revolution just to check on her ‘friends’ in the musical 🙂

As an author, I appreciate Lin-Manuel Miranda’s story structure and the repeated themes he places in this musical. It’s clear he put a lot of effort in making this cohesive, providing characterization, giving a recurring set of ‘musical themes’, and including a lot of historical accuracy too.

I’m not a big fan of rap, but story?

Yep, I love a good story.

This one is good in the ‘realistic’ way stories happen but also in an amazing element of character arc seen in Alexander Hamilton’s apparent change through great tragedy, some of his own making.

As a warning, I would not recommend this to those who are sensitive to foul language, because it has some – and if you’re not into certain types of music you may not enjoy it either, but as a story, I really found in interesting…and sad.

One of the most powerful parts of the musical for me is the song It’s Quiet Uptown. I can’t make it through that song without crying, particularly  in one spot.

On the word “Forgiveness”

Now, I’m not going to go into detail about what had to be forgiven and all, but the way Lin-Manuel Miranda placed this particular word in the musical setting/story, brings out the power of this one word.

At one point in the song, Angelica (Eliza Hamilton’s sister) sings “there’s a grace too powerful to name….” referring to the grace to forgiven the ‘unimaginable’.

The musical setting brings me to tears, but even more than that, I am reminded of a grace that is powerful but HAS a name in Jesus Christ.

I think we are moved by Eliza Hamilton’s forgiveness of her husband’s many sins toward her because at the core of who we are we find a love like that ‘unimaginable’ 🙂 And yet, God, in his mercy, imagined it up for us and provided it.

Even now, I’m moved to tears reflecting on the powerful grace shown to me…to God’s kids, by a love too powerful to understand in all of its complexity, strength, and sacrifice.

From all accounts I can find, Eliza Hamilton was a devoted Christian. Perhaps she was able to forgive the ‘unimaginable’ because the ‘unimaginable’ had been forgiven in her.

In the end of Hamilton, love wins.

Because of Christ, in the end…love wins.

Daniel 9:9 – The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him. 

Eph 4:32 – Be kind to one another, forgiving each other just as God in Christ forgave you. (not because we deserved it, but because of His great love)

Rom 5:8 – But God showed his love for us in this that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 


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