Uk2K16 – Cambridge

by | Sep 3, 2016 | England, Pepper Basham | 4 comments

day3So I’m back to give more account of our UK2k16 trip and day #3 was a beautiful tour of Cambridge. We stayed in a hotel that was near London Bridge, so we took the Tube at Monument each morning on the days we ventured out from London. It was a crowded ride during rush hour.

Cambridge was a beautiful city – small. After being in London the previous two days, Cambridge provided a nice reprieve for this country girl’s heart 🙂 It’s also safe to say that it had one of THE BEST bookstores EVER!

day3bAgain Peter and Ilona Greyline were the best hosts and guides. Peter took us to Magdalene College, just over the Cam River and across from the Pickerel. C.S. Lewis lived and taught here when he became the chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature there. He would live in Cambridge during the week and travel back to The Kilns on the weekend by train.

The dining room at Magdalene College is one of the few dining rooms left without electricity. Each night, a formal dinner is offered by candlelight. Absolutely stunning room.

Trinity College had a beautiful courtyard. A fountain stood in the center of the courtyard and our guide told us that day3eLord Byron, one of the graduates of Cambridge, used to skinny dip in it. Interesting… Not exactly what you’d expect to see in the posh surroundings. Notable other graduates who day3jwere more fully clothed, were people like Sir Isaac Newton, Lord Alfred Tennyson, King Edward VII, John Milton, and Francis Bacon (among many more)

King’s College was also here – and one of my husband’s favorite sites. The King’s College choir performs a Lesson in Carols every year. The inside is magnificent. We learned that there isn’t heat inside the chapel, so people would usually sit for the Christmas service with their coats wrapped tight.

So many of the flowers were in bloom, I couldn’t help taking pics of the scenary. Well, I couldn’t help taking pics of the scenary anyway. It was CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND.

day3iThis day was notable for another reason. We had our first taste of Fish and Chips. Ilona took us to this fabulous restaurant called Coast. Oh my goodness, the food was delicious and I can safely say that Ben and Lydia ate Fish & Chips for almost every meal after that introduction. By the way, lunch is a lot later in the UK than it is in the US. Typical eating time seemed to be 1:30 or 2pm.

After lunch we visited the wonderful Heffer’s Bookstore. This place was three stories of a reader/writer’s dream. Ben made is first day3kpurchases here (of the 13 books he bought on the trip). Even in the middle of the week, this place was crowded with #booknerds like us!!

The train took us back to London after this wonderful visit and we had just enough time to go to the Victoria and Albert Museum. I’d love to return to it some day when we have more time to peruse all of the history. Amazing costuming!

day3mThe day was full, but we were particularly glad to get back to the hotel for some rest (particularly Ben since he’d been toting around 5 books since we left Heffers)





  1. Linda Sease

    Hi, Pepper!
    Thanks for sharing your adventures across the pond……….the pics have been great and your commentary makes them come alive!!

    • pepperbasham

      YAY!! I hope you enjoy them!! I LOVED getting the opportunity to go!

  2. Jennifer

    Sounds like such a great trip. Love the photos…

    • pepperbasham

      Thanks, Jennifer! It was such a great time


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