There’s nothing that’s quite so arresting as awareness of God around us. I mean really near. Not just the cursory acceptance of the verse “I am with you always”, but the raw knowledge that Someone has direct involvement in our lives.
It can be the evidence in God’s creation – the vast mountain landscapes or torrent seas.
It can be in God’s provision – the great and the small.
It can be in His people, from the touch of a mother’s hand, the laughter of children, or a newborn baby’s cry.
They all speak of God’s ‘touch’ in our lives.
We often think God is far off – up in His Heaven somewhere, but His Spirit is actively at work around us – providing hands and feet through people.
Kind words spoken, a hug of comfort, a phrase of encouragement, another shoulder to bear the burden, and understanding/listening ear.
He’s here. His body.
And it’s absolutely amazing when we step back and ‘see’ them.
God provided it for me in so many ways this week – from a ‘word in due season’ while meeting with Beth Vogt at BRMCWC to a chat with my 5 year old about faith. God was there. Right there- leaving his fingerprints all through my life.
And all through yours too.
Open your eyes and see the wonder of His love and know He is not far off.
He is near.
Beautiful post, Pepper. I believe I need to be reminded daily of His nearness. It is when I have convinced myself He is far an unreachable that I begin to doubt His hand, the one flexing and pointing, guiding me toward His goodness.
Thank you. Blessings,
~ Cara
I’m so glad this blessed you!
Oh wow, Marney. Thank you!!