Utterly Unique

by | Jan 13, 2012 | Autism and Asperger Info/Posts | 2 comments

It’s the beginning of a new semester for me – which is one reason why I’m behing on my blogging.

When the responsibilities of a new semester begins, I’m afraid the writing and the blogging have to move aside and make room for the paying job.  🙂

BUT – I learn so much through my job as a clinical instructor and teacher at East Tennessee State University. I also have the remarkable opportunity to work with families touched by Autism.

This week I had one of those wonderful experiences that happen all to seldom. I went into a school and the teachers were excited about learning new ways to support the kids in their classes who had Autism diagnosis. No hesitations or arguments.

General interest, compassion, love, and excitement.

It was a wonderful experience and renewed my faith in the fact that God has teachers ‘out there’ who love children – and still love learning.

One of the most fabulous books I’ve found which celebrates the different ways kids on the Spectrum view the world is called I Am Utterly Unique by Elaine Marie Larson. It’s colorful illustrations and optimism turn the ‘historically’ negative view of Autism on its head.

Unique – and processing the world in a different (not disordered) way – necessarily.

God creates so many different people in the world, and He creates them for His glory. People who see the world from a different perspective, people who are quiet, people who are loud, people with disabilities you can see, people with disabilities you can’t see. People! To quote a children’s song (which would probably be considered politically incorrect now) “red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

You are ‘utterly’ unique because you were designed by the hands of a Loving Father!


  1. MaryC

    I love this, Pepper. I’ve only ever worked with high-functioning children or children with Asperger’s but several of my students over the years have had brothers with autism. It’s been really interesting getting to know those boys through their sister’s and parent’s perceptions. I’ll have to share your book with them.


  2. janet dean

    I’m impressed with your heart for these kids, Pepper. God bless you and your work. The book sounds terrific. One day I’d like to write a story with an autistic child.


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