A Suitor For Jenny by Margaret Brownley

by | Dec 6, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews | 2 comments

What’s the best way to send a book into romantic orbit? Put a kiss between two opposing forces within the first 2 chapters.

And in Margaret Brownley’s newest book, A Suitor For Jenny, there is a WHOLE LOT of kissin’ goin’ on!

It all starts with a stubborn and guilt-ridden big sis, who wants to see her two younger sisters in good marriages, so she sets out to do just that: Interview men and make the perfect match so her sisters will be given the life and love Jenny knows she can never have. By following a simple book, The Compleat and Authoritative Manual for Attracting and Procuring a Husband, Jenny plans to see her sisters never have to live through the poverty they’d known as children. But she might be consulting the wrong book – because God’s plans and man’s plans can end up looking very different.

When Jenny’s antics puts her in the way of Marshal Rhett Armstrong, a whole lot more than stubbornness starts taking place her head…and her heart. As her best-laid plans dissipate one by one, can Jenny come to terms with the fact that God’s designs create the greatest invention of her life? Will her past come back to steal her hope for a future? And in all reality, which sister will get married first – if at all?

The Abigail Adams quotes throughout the book were priceless. I’m going to read it all over again just for the quotes, but Margaret is FABULOUS at painting pictures filled with poignancy and humor. Oh what a fun read!!

Here’s a blurb about the book from Amazon:

After their parents died, Jenny felt responsible for seeing that her two younger sisters were well taken-care of. Tipped off by an article naming Rocky Creek the town with the highest number of eligible bachelors, Jenny rolled into this Texas town with a clear objective: find suitable husbands for her two sister and then start fresh somewhere far, far away.

Jenny believe that women who fall in love at first sight often wish they’d taken a second look, so she diligently begins to follow all the rules set forth in her handy manual on how to land a husband.

But while Jenny is interviewing the less-than-promising candidates, her sisters are falling in love the old-fashioned way–with men of their choosing. And the longer Jenny stays, the more her sense of control slips away. The town isn’t living up to her expectations, her sisters are rebelling against her practical choices, and soon her own heart starts to betray her, as US Marshall Rhett Armstrong stirs emotions in her that weren’t part of her plan.

To relinquish her control to God and calm her restless spirit, she’ll need to give her foregone conclusions about marriage, love, and faith.

A wonderful way to spend Christmas Break…or any break for that matter.


  1. Angi Griffis

    Hi Pepper,
    So glad you posted this review. I just finished “A Lady Like Sarah” and loved it. This one sounds like it will be just as good. Hoping to find it under the Christmas tree. 🙂
    Love reading your blogs and have enjoyed reading excerpts from your own writings. Ready to read more. 🙂
    Have a great day.

  2. Keli Gwyn

    I loved Margaret’s book. A Suitor for Jenny is a fun-filled tale that made me laugh out loud on many occasions. I highly recommend it if you like your romance with a side of good, clean humor. =)


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