5 Ps for Purposeful Writing – Prayer and Praise

by | Nov 21, 2010 | Fiction Book Reviews | 2 comments

Prayer & Praise

As Christians and authors, God has placed a special calling on our lives. But more than writing stories that glorify him, He’s changed our hearts so we have an eternal hope. We were not left in our sins to suffer the consequences of the Fall for eternity, our hearts have been transformed by His grace – so – we can praise Him.

1 Peter 1:3-4

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you…”

Now, knowing that God is our Father, and Jesus has rescued us for a present comfort and future glory, we can get our minds in the right place by reminding ourselves that we are loved, and that He directs the course of our lives.

Prayer is faith in action. We realize we don’t have all the answers and we turn to the One who does. Our act of praying, shows our recognition of our own humanity and acceptance of his Divinity.

Before writing, after writing, and anywhere in between, prayer & praise keeps our purpose in perspective and the eternal significance of our place in God’s plan.

 When things go right or wrong in our writing life (or any part of our lives), Prayer & Praise helps move us into #2  (which will find out about on Wednesday)

And check out my VERY weird post on The Writers Alley for Monday. My characters are rebelling – and they are talking about it.


  1. Renee Ann

    Needed and beautiful reminder . . . Thanks, Pepper!

  2. Audra

    Just what I needed to hear today, Pepper. Praise and Prayer. I would be nothing if not for the Lord. I’m praising right now for all the wonderful friends I’ve made along my writing journey and praying that He keeps us all enfolded in His love for his purpose…

    Hey, another P word. I’ll bet you’ve got something planned for that one, too. Doncha, Pepper??


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