This is the last week of the kissing scenes, except that I have two more to add to the first week of May. Hope you’re enjoying the posts.
Jamie Carrie
Laura Frantz
It begins gently,
a tender caress, lip on lip.
Eyes closed, hands searching.
As tide increases, crashing through veins
heat upon swelling heat.
Hearts intwine. Breaths mingle.
Memories bloom and burst.
Each caress pulses forward
Thoughts fog, feelings clear.
Bloodrush warms red cheeks,
fanning from blue flame.
Breaths slow. Lips divide.
An endless stare of hope.
A heart brand.
Slowly the tide ebbs.
Memory burned. Hope ignited.
Feelings return to the placid coolness of everyday.
The Kiss.
Pepper D. Basham
copyright 2003
*SIGH* That was lovely, Pepper. Just lovely. I’m soooo looking forward to another week of kisses! This has been the best blogfest EVER!
Oh, melt, that was WONDERFUL, girl, and like Sherrinda, I cannot WAIT until next week, because what a GREAT lineup!!