What Can I Give Him?

by | Dec 10, 2008 | Fiction Book Reviews | 0 comments

Christina Rossetti, an English poet of the mid 1800s, wrote a wide variety of inspiration, romantic, and children’s poems in her 64 years of life. Her personal life was rife with suffering, but her faith and the beautiful, delicate light of her soul shines through her writings. Some would describe her work as sad, (and some of it may be), but there are always pieces that exude deep meaning.

One such writing, though simple, has been a required memory poem at my kids’ school every Christmas. It get to the very ‘heart’ or purpose of what our lives in Christ and Christmas is ALL about.

What Can I Give Him?

by Christina Rossetti

What can I give Him,

Poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb,

If I were a wise man I would do my part

Yet what can I give Him?

Give my heart


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