Awards and Apologies

by | Sep 14, 2015 | Fiction Book Reviews | 3 comments

phoebe1So…I’ve been remiss in writing over the past month, but I have some pretty valid excuses 🙂

  1. School started – which means the crazy part of my life takes on a whole new set of crazy.
  2. Deadline for book 2 in the Penned in Time series, The Thorn Healer
  3. Mental fatigue from #1 & 2

I’m going to try to get more consistent. At least once a week, but I’d love your input. I’d thought about blogging about being a mom of 5 and all the funny to that! I could add a little writing in there too.  What do you think?

bronze-shiny-hrReader'sFavoriteAwardIn other news… today The Thorn Bearer won its first award!!

The Reader’s Favorite International Contest placed The Thorn Bearer as third in their Christian Fiction category!! I’m thrilled to know that people thought it was at such a level to receive this. You can read their awesome review here.

Thanks for all the wonderful support so far in this journey, and if you’ve read TTB and have a few minutes to write up your thoughts, please share them on Amazon or Goodreads!

Thanks so much!



  1. Cherrilynn Bisbano

    Congratulations I am so excited for you. I have 1 child and still find it hard to write. You go girl.

    • pepperbasham

      Thanks so much, Cherrilynn!! It’s super hard to manage the time, but being a mom is such a blessing!!

  2. Cherrilynn Bisbano

    Congratulations!! I have only 1 child and find it hard to get time to write. You go girl.


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